Floridian Coastline Insurance Blog: cost
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Friday, June 24, 2016Since condo ownership is essentially a combination of home ownership and apartment living, you'll need a condo insurance policy to fill the unique coverage needs. Not to mention, your condo association and/or lender may require you to show proof of insurance. But how much will a policy set you back in Florida? READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 19, 2016As with a car — or any other vehicle — boats should be insured for the protection of your vessel and other boaters in the area. Boat insurance can prove beneficial while your boat is in use, along with any periods when it's in storage. Boat insurance can provide coverage for the following: READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 14, 2016If you rent your home or apartment, you might not think much about the risks you face. But while you might not even consider what would happen if the building caught fire or got injured in your apartment, it's still crucial to be prepared for such issues. This is why Renters Insurance protection is required in nearly every rental agreement. READ MORE >>
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